Remove category from wordpress url

Remove category from WordPress URL made easy with these two quick solutions.
With these two options you can remove WordPress category from woocommerce wordpress site.

Let’s head to the solution and remove parent category from URL WordPress.

I created my categories for posts but I was trying to remove taxonomy slug from url wordpress then I come across this quick solutions.

Option one.

Remove category from WordPress setting.

  1. Dashboard
  2. Settings
  3. Permalinks
  4. Common settings: change it to custom structure
  5. Optional: under category base type dot (.) and save your settings.

It will get rid of the category from the WordPress URL.

Option two.

Remove category with WordPress plugin

  1. Dashboard
  2. Plugins
  3. Add new
  4. Search for Remove Category
  5. Install and activate. 
  6. Done.

Once remove category plugin is activated. category on WordPress URL will be removed automatically.

Refresh your WordPress page to see the change.