Immigrants’ Job Opportunity in Canada – The eastern province of Quebec maintains a predominantly French heritage in not only its architecture but in everyday life too. French is the primary language spoken throughout the province and cities, towns, rivers, mountains etcetera are all named in French. The capital city of Montreal, named for the gorgeous triple-peaked hill at its heart, has a population of a little over 4 million people.
The province is liberal as it follows the more traditional European Napoleonic code as opposed to the rest of Canada’s basis being on the English common law. One of the best things about Quebec? French cuisine. The national dish, Poutine, originated in this province. Bagels, smoked meats, and French cheeses are all common fares in the beautiful province. Let’s take a look at the most in-demand jobs in Quebec, Canada.
Immigrants’ Job Opportunity in Canada
How Does the Quebec Skilled Worker Program Work?
The Quebec Department of Immigration operates independently from the IRCC. Much like the other province’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), you will be applying directly to the province’s governing body. If you are interested in settling permanently in Quebec, you must begin by submitting an expression of interest to the Ministère de l’Immigration. If your skills and/or qualifications meet the province’s needs, you will then be invited to submit a permanent selection application. Be aware that significantly higher points are awarded for French language skills over English.
Skilled Worker Program
Selections are made based on a points grid. The requirements that applicants are evaluated on include: training/qualifications, work experience, age, French/English skills, the family already in Quebec/Canada, permanent job offer, spouse factors, dependent factors, and financial self-sufficiency. Here is a list of in-demand jobs in Quebec, Canada:
Quebec Skilled Worker Program
- Managerial Occupations
- Business, finance, and administration occupations
- Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations
- Health Occupations
- Occupation in Social Science, Education, Government Service, and Religion
- Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation, and Sport
- Sales and Service Occupations
- Trades, Transport and Equipment Operators, and Related Occupations
- Occupations Unique to Processing, Manufacturing, and Utilities
How We Can Help You Apply
Immigration to Canada can be both complex and confusing. By using our accredited Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) you will not only optimize your chances of success in the visa application process, but you will receive expert advice on which program is best for your personal needs. Our RCICs are registered with the ICCRC and are legally permitted to assist you by evaluating your eligibility, reviewing all documentation, and submitting it to the Canadian government on your behalf. Don’t risk your chances of living your Canadian dream. Let us make sure that all forms are completed correctly and sent in on time.
FAQS: In-demand Jobs in Quebec in 2022
How can I find out more about jobs in my field in Quebec?
So you’ve got a skill that is high in demand in Quebec. Now you need to explore those job prospects. Research the job market in your area of expertise by taking a look at Emploi Québec’s Labour Market Information (LMI). Also, stay up to date with employment and training news from the Sectoral workforce committees.
How should I prepare for the job-hunting process in Quebec?
Job hunting can be a complicated procedure, regardless of where in the world you find yourself. As an immigrant, you may want to head into it with as much preparation as possible – perhaps even long before you set foot in Quebec. The province’s government site has some great material that will help you draw up your plan of action and guide you as you navigate through all your options.
Where will I find the best employment opportunities?
Québec consists of 17 administrative regions, each with its own draw cards. Explore the different regions, to discover the best options for work and daily life in Canada’s largest province.
Quebec’s largest city, Montreal, has quite a booming job market, with opportunities that stretch across a number of industries. This includes the engineering, textile, and telecommunications sectors, to name but a few. When it comes to health care and public administration opportunities, Quebec City is likely to be your best bet for landing a job, while Gatineau is known to have tons of employment options for those in the construction, government, and service sector, and is fast becoming the place to be for startup ventures. Famed for its agricultural economy, Sherbrooke is also seen as a major industrial, commercial, and administrative hub.